Saturday, January 9, 2010

Canine Vaccines My Rottweiler Has Developed Canine Ehrlichiosis, But I Cant Have Pesticide Permethrin Shipped To Ny, Why Not?

My rottweiler has developed canine ehrlichiosis, but I cant have pesticide permethrin shipped to ny, why not? - canine vaccines

Canine ehrlichiosis is a disease caused by ticks, like Lyme, and permethrin is non-toxic pesticide transfer that I would get to avoid a recurrence. There is no vaccine against canine ehrlichiosis and contracted this disease, while wearing the collar of Frontline Plus. So I want to spray the yard and in my house, but not permethrin is transferred to New York, Connecticut and New Jersey. No idea why?

Proposals for alternatives to pesticides and toxic?

I read a report by the U.S. military, which is often used with very good results.


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